R o l m D e s i g n S t u d i o

Mashhad, Iran
Design of the subway stations for the city of Mashhad
( Hashemieh and Daneshjoo )
Two "over the ground subway stations" (hashemieh & daneshjoo), were characteristicaly different in the priority assigned to them, among the 5 total stations, which this firm was responsible to design. The metro car moves in linear, in middle of the green centre of a very wide boulevard, and the passengers have the access from the side pedestrains, through an undergrund ped. Corridor.
This corridors reach to a sunken open courtyard of 1000 esq. In the middle of the boulevard, as the entry lobby to the platforms, with all the administrative as well as limited commercial spaces there. Train passes over the sunken courtyard by a bridge, reaching to the platforms. The passengers get to the platforms & train by stairs or elevators from the sunken courtyard. The idea for design of these stations were to provide an active urban characteristic for the sunken courtyards, and to provide stepped up green terracess & views to the linear green central axis of the boulevard. The platforms are covered for the conveniency of the passengers, as well as an architectural emblem for the stations with very light steel structures. The idea of "minimalism", as well as applying new materials & detailings within "an experimental workshop" framework, were the key issues of desing approach. The following drawings and materials represent the two subway stations.